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Titel Qairooti (Cerate or Cera Beeswax Salve) in Traditional Iranian Pharmacy
Author Mosleh, Badr
Abstract Qairooti (Cerate), a medicinal salve or ointment, compounded of wax and oil, is a formulation used alone or as a basis for medicinal dosage forms. It is widely used from the ancient times to the present. Based on its structure, beeswax has unique characteristics. It builds stable emulsions and increases water absorbance of creams and ointments. The aim of this study was to gather all pharmaceutical information about preparing Qairooti products from traditional pharmacopoeaes, such as the various types of Qairooti and their preparation methods.
Methods In this article, various types of Qairooti, their producing method and related indications have been discussed based on the main medical Persian manuscripts including Al-Canon fil tibb (Canon of Avicenna), Gharabadin-e-Kabir, Gharabadin-e-Salehi, Exir-e-Azam, Alhavi, Kamel-al-sanaat, Zakhireh-ye Khwarazm shahi, al-Shamel-fi-sanawat-al-tebie, Ekhtiarate badiee, Kholasat-al-tajarob, Tib-e-Akbari, Mofareh al-gholoob, Makhzan-ul-Adwiah, Hedayat-al-motealemin-fi-al-tibb, Altasrif-le-man-ajeza-an-talif, etc.
Results bout 500 different formulations from the above-mentioned manuscripts were found and their preparation method and other required information were collected. The amounts of oil and wax in Qairooti are not fixed and depend on different factors; providing the best consistency and appearance of the formulation, such as seasonal temperature. In order to prepare cerate, wax has to be melted by indirect heat and then mixed with the isothermal oil. Mixing process should be performed precisely to provide a homogenized product. If the multi-ingredient cerate is needed, other constituents have to be added to the warm mixture of oil and wax.
Conclusions There are many kinds of Qairooti in traditional Iranian pharmacopoeias recommended for different indications. Cerate was a common medication for injuries and wounds. Although it is still used in conventional medicine, some clinical applications in traditional Iranian medicine have been forgotten nowadays. It is recommended that we have a smarter approach to the traditional pharmacopoeias in order to use past experience and transcend existing knowledge of modern pharmacy.
dx.doi.org / URL  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4955356/
Published  IJMS Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences
Titel Characteristics, chemical compositions and biological activities of propolis from Al-Bahah, Saudi Arabia
Author Yasser A. Elnakady, Ahmed I. Rushdi, Raimo Franke, Nael Abutaha, Hossam Ebaid, Mohannad Baabbad, Mohamed O. M. Omar, Ahmad A. Al Ghamdi
Abstract Propolis has been used to treat several diseases since ancient times, and is an important source of bioactive natural compounds and drug derivatives. These properties have kept the interest of investigators around the world, leading to the investigation of the chemical and biological properties and application of propolis. In this report, the chemical constituents that are responsible for the anticancer activities of propolis were analyzed. The propolis was sourced from Al-Baha in the southern part of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Standard protocols for chemical fractionation and bioactivity-guided chemical analysis were used to identify the bio-active ethyl acetate fraction. The extraction was performed in methanol and then analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The major compounds are triterpenoids, with a relative concentration of 74.0%; steroids, with a relative concentration of 9.8%; and diterpenoids, with a relative concentration of 7.9%. The biological activity was characterized using different approaches and cell-based assays. Propolis was found to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells in a concentration-dependent manner through apoptosis. Immunofluorescence staining with anti-α-tubulin antibodies and cell cycle analysis indicated that tubulin and/or microtubules are the cellular targets of the L-acetate fraction. This study demonstrates the importance of Saudi propolis as anti-cancer drug candidates.
dx.doi.org / URL 10.1038/srep41453
Published  Scientific Reports
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Titel Immunomodulatory/anti-inflammatory effects of a propolis-containing mouthwash on human monocytes
Author Karina Basso Santiago, Bruno José Conti, Eliza de Oliveira Cardoso, Marjorie de Assis Golim, José Maurício Sforcin 
Abstract Propolis is a bee product used in folk medicine to improve health and prevent inflammatory diseases. It has attracted the attention of researchers from the odontological field lately, reducing inflammation resulting from surgical procedures and as an antimicrobial agent in the control of bacterial plaque. Thus far, no side-effects that might compromise oral health have been observed. Chlorhexidine is an antimicrobial agent widely used as an antiseptic, but side-effects restrict its use. This work investigated the effects of an odontological product containing propolis in combination with chlorhexidine in lower concentrations on human monocytes. Cell marker expression, the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) signaling pathway, the production of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, and the bactericidal activity of these cells against Streptococcus mutans were evaluated. Data showed that the combination of propolis and chlorhexidine may favor the recognition of antigens by monocytes, slightly activates the NF-κB signaling pathway, and increases the bactericidal activity of human monocytes against S. mutans. Also, the combination played a role in anti-inflammatory cytokine production, which can be beneficial in the treatment of periodontal diseases. These results may have implications for the development of odontological products with immunomodulatory/anti-inflammatory action, and may have further-reaching implications for the pharmaceutical industry.
dx.doi.org / URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/femspd/ftw081
Published  Pathogens and Disease


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