Clinical Advisor[1], 10/4/2011

…Royal jelly contains a complex mixture of proteins, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. The B vitamins are found in the largest quantity, followed closely by an assortment of 20 different amino acids, calcium, zinc, iron and manganese.

A detailed breakdown of the constituents of royal jelly reveals lipids (3%-7%), carbohydrates (10%-12%), proteins (12%-15%), water (60%-70%) and traces of minerals and vitamins. Of particular medical interest is the presence of gamma globulin, one of a group of specific proteins studied for their immune-modulating potential and pro-estrogenic compounds.

Since the beehive has only one queen, the supply of royal jelly is much lower than that of honey. Honey is used as food for the worker bees, of which there are thousands, but royal jelly is reserved for those select few larvae that will be fed to become queens. A large, healthy hive of honeybees will produce about 500 g of royal jelly in a six-month period.


Due to its rich content of antioxidants, proteins and other nutrients, royal jelly is reportedly good for whatever ails you. It is specifically recommended for treatment of hypertension, hyperlipidemia and inflammation, and is being studied for a possible anti-tumor effect as well as a treatment for male infertility.

In a small trial, patients were assigned to the royal jelly intervention or placebo. Treatment-group participants were given 6 g daily of royal jelly formulation for four weeks. At the end of the trial, the treatment group's total cholesterol level was reduced 6%, and LDL was reduced more than 9%. 

Egyptian researchers investigated the effect of royal jelly on conception rates among couples with known male asthenozoospermia…


  1. ^ Clinical Advisor (

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