Titel Anaphylaxis caused by honey: a case report
Author Rita Aguiar, Fátima Cabral Duarte, Ana Mendes, Borja Bartolomé, and Manuel Pereira Barbosa
Abstract Honey is widely consumed all over the world, especially in
Portugal, but until now very few cases of honey allergy has
been reported. Honey is known as a potential allergenic food
and can cause reactions ranging from mild symptoms such as
cough to severe as anaphylaxis.
Honey contains a large number of components derived from
bees (gland secretions and wax), as well as from substances
related to their foraging activity (flower nectar and pollens).
Pollen proteins (Compositae pollen) and glandular proteins
from bees have been referred as the main allergens involved in
this type of allergy [1, 2].
Allergy to honey is rare. Although the actual incidence of
allergy to honey in the general population is unknown, it is
estimated to be <0.001% [3]. There are few cases described in
the literature [4-7].
dx.doi.org / URL https://doi.org/10.5415/apallergy.2017.7.1.48
Published  Asia Pac Allergy
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