The beauty industry is buzzing about the benefits of bee venom, but does it work? The experts weigh in

From 24-carat gold and pearl extracts to caviar and chocolate, unusual and decadent materials have always been a feature of indulgent spa treatments. But a recent luxury beauty trend promises that a surprising (and somewhat less decadent) ingredient—bee venom—can moisturize skin and solve a variety of ailments.

Bee venom is used in serums, cleansers, moisturizers and masks. Products from companies such as Heaven by Deborah Michael, Skin Chemists, Rodial and Nature’s Beauty boast miracle skin solutions containing the ingredient. But what is all the buzz about?

According to New York-based beauty consultant Jessica Crescenzi, bee venom products mimic the sting of a bee. “Your body thinks it has been stung, so blood rushes to the area, which helps to stimulate collagen production,” she says. “Unlike a lot of other beauty products, with bee venom you see the results straight away.” Crescenzi says that due to its potency, bee venom products are best suited for older women who are looking to smooth out wrinkles and lines. “It works best on fifty-plus, menopausal women,” she says...

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